The Poverello Center

Homeless Outreach Team wins State Award

Friday, April 19, the Poverello Center’s Homeless Outreach (HOT) Team accepted the State Library Association Friends of the Library Award in Butte for their work with unhoused community members. The team said they were honored to be offered the award, especially as they were nominated by the Missoula Public Library, with whom they work closely every day. 

When they walk into the library, they have the opportunity to connect with dozens of unhoused members of the community. Many of these people need a safe place to stay during the day, and the Missoula Public Library is one of the only free options available near downtown Missoula. Not only is the Missoula Public Library an accessible option, it is comfortable and innovative, even winning “World’s Best Public Library” in 2022! 

The HOT Team meets people from all walks of life at the library, but they expressed special gratitude for the opportunity to connect with one person who comes to mind when thinking of the library. This man, an indigenous veteran who recently lost his wife, would not normally access shelter services due to the overwhelming nature of the Poverello Center. For him, the library is a much calmer and more accessible place. The team explained that this man is not very sociable, but they’ve seen him grow over the weeks, and he gives a grateful fist-bump in exchange for connection to the Poverello Center services. 

The Homeless Outreach Team makes connections like these daily. They bring Missoula’s most vulnerable population back into the community, because they believe that all people have a right to dignity, respect, food, shelter, help, and hope. 

Next month, the HOT Team will be honored by the Missoula Public Library for outstanding service. We are so proud of this team and all the work they have put into serving our community!